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On Shinseina, as long as you belonged to a Clan you would have a status within that Clan that represented who you are. Below is a list of statuses that exist.


The Ruler of a Clan, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. The Monarch is the highest-ranking person in their rightful Clan and land. They possess God's Mark to show their rule and hold the highest authority and wealth in their Clan. Becoming a Monarch grants you the power to command your Clan as you see fit.


Monarchs are naturally more powerful than others at the start thanks to the mark that they are granted, but they are also able to grow even stronger through the resources and information they have in roleplay. 

Spell and Rune Limits: 
Total Spells - 50

A Spells = Varies B Spells = Varies C Spells = Varies


The partner of the Clan's Ruler. Consorts are married into the position. The Consort is the second-highest rank in the rightful Clan and land being right under the Monarch. In terms of authority, they are second only to the Monarch, being, and in the circumstance the Monarch is unable to rule due to issues, they will temporarily rule.

Consorts are able to use resources similiar to that of a monarch in order to get stronger in roleplay, with access to the royal knowledge and privilege.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells- 40

A Spells = 6 B Spells = 10 C Spells = 20



The child of a monarch and normally the 3rd highest ranking in a Clan. The 1st child of a monarch is set to be the next Monarch unless something is to happen to them, it moves to the 2nd child. If a Prince/Princess do not inherent the title of Monarch than they will become a Duke/Duchess a year after their sibling is entroned.


Prince/Princesses are able to use resources of the royal familiar in order to reach higher power in roleplay, with access to the royal knowledge and privileges, with a spell and rune cap that is higher than a noble.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 35

A Spells = 5 B Spells = 8 C Spells = 16



This position is often held by a person with blood relations to the royal family, either the current or the previous, but can also be granted to someone that has done a great merit to the Clan. The Duke/Duchess is the 4th highest rank in the clan and often owns their own Dukedom, a land in which they manage for the Monarch. 


Duke/Duchesses are able to use resources that most common people are not able to access, along with information and connections that come to them as being one of the most powerful people in a Clan. They are also able to govern a large piece of land, with an average income of 1-5 or more Gold Coins a week.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 30

A Spells = 4 B Spells = 6 C Spells = 12



This position is a rank that is often given to people that have made a contribution to the Clan in a big enough way that it is notable. The position is often hereditary and is born into, with new Count/Countess rarely being appointed. They are rather wealthy and have quite a lot of authority thanks to their numerous businesses around the City.


Count/Countesses are able to use resources that most common people are not able to access, along with information and connections that come to them as being a noble of a Clan. They are also able to own multiple burnsiesses throughout a Clan, and earn an average income of 30-50 Silver Coins a week.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 25

A Spells = 3 B Spells = 4 C Spells = 8



This position is a rank that is given to knight families that have made a large enough contribution to the Clan. Often they are hereditary and loyal to knighthood. They often own land on the frontlines, or nearby, the borders. They are not very wealthy, but make their income through having loyal knights under them that protect the lands, making anywhere between 15 to 25 Silver Coins a week.


Marquess/Marchionesses are able to use resources that most common people are not able to access, along with information and connections that come to them as being a noble of a Clan. They are also able to have a small group of knights under them that serve are their order.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 25

A Spells = 2 B Spells = 3 C Spells = 5



A person of this rank is someone who was formerly a commoner but thanks to their contribution to the Clan or circumstance, was awarded the title from the Monarch or Higher Ranking Noble. This position is normally just slightly above Commoners, with a minor difference depending on the worth of the person.


Baron/Baroness are able to use some better resources that most common people are not able to access, along with information and connections that come to them as being a noble of a Clan. They are also able to own a few small businesses and make an income of 5-15 Silver Coins a week.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 20

A Spells = 1 B Spells = 2 C Spells = 4


Royal Knight

A knight that is extremely skilled and trained to the point that they were noticed and directly employed by the Royal Family. Royal Knights are different from other Knights because they do not have to listen to ranks above their own, but instead only serve the Royal Family. 


Royal Knights are naturally much stronger than normal knights, and are able to grow even stronger through roleplay with the resources and training they are given. They also have access to information and connections that a normal knight wouldn't get, with the ability to not have to take orders from any noble aside from the Monarch themself. They usually make around 1-5 Silver a week, but can earn more depending on rank.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 20

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 2 C Spells = 6



A person who is well trained and skilled enough to be employed by the city, a noble, or even the royal family in order to act as protectors and attackers. They are usually tasked with missions that require a lot of fighting or that can lead to such. Most knights are experienced and put honor along with loyalty above all else. They can be paid anywhere between 3-4 Silver Coins a week, depending on the employer, and if they are employed by the Clan they earn a lot more.


Knights begin with training and abilities that put them above normal commoners, with access to the resource in roleplay to gain more power through roleplaying, they also have access to knowledge that normal commoners wouldn't have. They start of with a greater limit in spells and runes than normal commoners. They have the in roleplay privelage to arrest OCs within reason, along with access to weapons and armor that are stored in the clan barracks for knights.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 15

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 6



A person that is employed by the city in order to protect the city from criminals and other such civil matters. They are responsible for keeping the livelihood of commoners peaceful and regularly petrol around the city. They can be paid anywhere between 2-3 Silver a week.


Guards begin with training and abilities that put them above normal commoners, with the privlage and knowledge in roleplay to show it as such. They have the ability to arrest normal commoners if they have committed a crime, along with the ability to investigate any commoner they think is doing wrong.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 10

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 5



An Esquire is a title granted to someone that is currently in the process of being trained to become a knight or guard. They usually take orders from a knight/guard they are assigned to and learn through observation and practice. Esquires usually stay as such for a year or two before officially being promoted to a position. They earn an average income of 2 Silver a week.


Knights or Guards in training, they start off at the level of a commoner however with the resources they have in roleplay they are able to soon grow to the strength of a knight, or even higher if they put in the effort in roleplay. They have access to a knight in order to learn from.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 8

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 3



A person that is skilled in the medical profession or has magic related to healing. Most respectable medics, or professional medics, that work in hospitals or in health care jobs, are required to have a medical license to prove that they are trained and capable. Amongst medics are people with different titles and skills, such as eye doctors, surgeons, drug researchers, and other such professions. Depending on the skill of a medic, they can be paid any sort of income, a professional medic can earn anywhere near 2.5 to 3.5 Silver Coins a week, whereas lesser skilled medics can earn anywhere near 50 Copper to 1 Silver Coins a week.


Medics have access to above basic level knowledge about herbs that can be used to heal people, along with medical procedures that would be useful for their profession. They also have more access to spells and runes that have to do with healing than the average commoner.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 1


Tavern Owner

The tavern owner is someone that owns a tavern, bar, or restaurant, in one of the cities or towns. They usually have workers to help them out, so their main job is simply the management of the business and making sure all matters are properly taken care of. They usually make a reasonable income as long as the business is doing well,

(Permission Only)


They start with a tavern channel in roleplay and is able to create and run it as they please as long as it stays within the clan's laws. They are able to make more money faster, and is even able to higher people to work for them.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 2


Tavern Worker

Someone that works at the taverns or bar, usually helping out with the customers. They can have a variety of tasks, such as cleaning, waiting on people, cooking, serving drinkings, or even a bodyguard to keep everything peaceful. It’s a place that pays you pretty ok depending on your task. 

(Permission only, but you will most likely be allowed to if you ask.)


They work for a tavern owner, and is able to gain a more solid source of income in roleplay that they can use as they need. They have access to rumors and bartalk as they commonly work around that.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



A person who is trained and skilled in the art of craftsmanship, being able to forge armor, weapons, and other such items out of a variety of minerals and ores. It's very demanding, and only the strong and skilled can truly make it as a blacksmith. Some blacksmiths out there, while very rare, can even forge weapons infused with mana and enchanted with abilities, such blacksmiths are not commonly found.


Blacksmiths are able to start roleplay with a smithing channel and common minerals they can use to craft items to sell or for themselves. They have basic skills in crafting that can grow through roleplay, along with access to crafting knowledge that normal people don't have. They are able to get better at crafting through roleplay, and eventually learn more complicated skills, such as enchanting weapons.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 3



A baker is someone who makes and sells oven-based products and other such foods. They often work in bakeries, malls, cafes, or places of similar nature, and sell cakes, bread, donuts, and many more delicious foods. They make a modest income, nothing big but nothing small.


Bakers are able to start with a bakery channel if they are wealthy enough or work in the shopping district to sell their goods in order to make money. They have access to basic cooking knowledge along with low level spells that can be used to improve cooking.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



A merchant is someone that is in the business of trade, be it items, money, slaves, or other such accommodations. A merchant's main goal and only focus is money; they do fair deals as long as it makes them more money. A merchant can be indoors, outdoors, a stall, a store, a moving place, and anything along those lines. Most merchants tend to travel from City to City, selling items that can’t be found in that region, allowing them to have free access to most Clans as long as they have a license.


Merchants start with wealth much higher than common people, with common goods they are able to sell within reason in order to gain more wealth. They also have access to knowledge and information that normal people don't have as long as they pay.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 8

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 2



The average joe. Living in the city, trying to get by in life, they can have many common jobs like any normal person would, such as being a teacher, butcher, farmer, or any other basic jobs that aren't listed as a status.


Commoners are basic people that live within the clans and while they do not have any direct benefits they also do not have to worry about much as they belong to a clan and will thus be protected by the clan laws.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



They are two main types of servants that exist within the world, both of which are legal within their own ways. The first type is hired servants, these people work for nobles or anyone with money, doing whatever labor tasks they need to do, in exchange for income. They tend to get paid depending on the contracted price. The second type is called force servants, better known as slaves, these people are forced to serve the person in order to pay off some form of debt or crime, they usually do not have any rights and are not paid.


Servants are able to use the resource they are provided by their masters to grow stronger but are able, to begin with basic knowledge related to the thing they are hired to do. Such as cleaning servants having the ability to clean well and know basic cleaning spells, and so on.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 3

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0


Guild Leader

A person that is in charge of one of the guild's branches located in any of the cities. They are normally in charge of managing workers, along with keeping the order and maintenance of the Guild proper. 

(Permission Only)


Guild Leaders are able to start at the level of a royal knight in strength and can grow stronger through the resources they have access to in their guild as leaders. They have knowledge and connections that commoners don't have due to their position in the guild, along with the ability to give commands to adventurers and hire guild workers.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 15

A Spells = 1 B Spells = 6 C Spells = 10


Guild Worker

A person that works in the guild and helps out with matters around the guild, be it cleaning, sorting paperwork, or even such matters as helping adventurers with resolving quests matters. They tend to be paid a different amount depending on their tasks.

(Ask permission for this for, you will probably get it, but ask.)


Guild workers work in the guild and under the guild leader, they have strength ranging from guard level to even knight level, with the ability to grow stronger through in roleplay resources. They have access to information related to quests and adventurers that are listed within their systems.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 10

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 4



A person who often travels from place to place in order to accomplish, or take part in, quests that were published by the guild. They have rankings and other such things amongst themselves, with many different benefits and risks. They tend to earn a varying amount of money, depending on the quests they accept.

(You should read other information related to this status found on the website.)


Adventurers have access to quests and the questing system that they can use to level up, and while other people can do quest and benefit from it as well, they gain more than normal people. All things they earn, questing points and questing EXP, and 2x that of normal people, with any sect they form gaining this benefit for all members in it. They are also more likely to encounter higher ranking things than normal people.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 8

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 5



A person who is normally trained to an extent in fighting or magic. They are people that tend to only work for money, and will pretty much do any legal job once the pay is good enough. Most of them do not have loyalty and simple works for the highest bidder. They are commonly hired by merchants or as escorts to protect people from monsters and bandits.


Mercenaries are able to do tasks that they are hired to do, and gain resources through this means. They are also permitted to kill people that get in the way of their jobs within reason, even if they are within a non-ptk channel.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 6

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 2



A person who is skilled in the hunting of animals, and/or monsters, in order to obtain food for themselves, their family, or their whole town, sometimes even to sell. This is a self-sustaining status, with the person often selling the remaining parts for income. The income of a hunter can vary depending on what they sell.


Hunters are able to hunt creatures that are uncommoner or below, in order to sell their parts for money, along with using this resources to become stronger in roleplay.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 1



A person who is paid through illegal means in order to ‘take care of' another person. This can include such things as killing them, kidnapping them, or other such despicable behavior. Assassins tend to kill silently or leave no witnesses when they do a job to avoid being found out or captured, while others tend to show off on the dark web. They get paid in varying amounts, depending on their job.


Assassins are able to take on missions in order to gain money and kill people along the way. They are able to kill people even outside of a ptk zone as long as they have a reason to do so and it is related to their job at hand. They have connections to people thanks to their job, and access to the black market and dark web.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 1



A person that has committed some sort of crime that is against the laws of a clan, city, town, or place, and is wanted for it. They are usually in hiding or avoiding public places. To be branded as a criminal you need to be found guilty, or suspicious, of said crime.

(You can be killed without PTK, but don’t worry that’s not very cool.)


Criminals have basic access to the black market and dark web, with capabilities of accessing uncommon and lower black market goods.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 2

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0


Bounty Hunter

A bounty hunter is a person who is legally allowed by the authorities to capture, or in some cases kill, wanted criminals that have long been left uncaught. They usually have some form of bounty hunter license that allows them to be identified, but some tend to work illegally. They get a varying amount of pay depending on the bounty they take up.


Bounty Hunters are able to hunt down and capture or kill criminals even outside of PTK zones, and do not need permission to interrupt a roleplay where a criminal is.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 1



A person that is head of a specific shrine or church and handles all the important matters related to that place of worship. They are the ones responsible for conducting rituals, preaching, worships, and other such activities to promote the values of their religion.

(Permission Only.)


Priest have access to a wider range of spells and knowledge of the religions, they also have strength similar to that of a Royal Knight, with the resources to grow stronger through roleplay. Thanks to their position they also have the chance to hear the voices.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 15

A Spells = 1 B Spells = 2 C Spells = 10


Shrine Maiden

These are usually females that assist in the cleaning around the shrine, gathering of offerings and needed items, and even helping with festivals and rituals. They are often required to be virgins, as it holds symbolic meaning to the Shanti Religion, and often have restrictions placed on them by the Shrine’s Head.

(This position is currently limited to the Beast Clan, and Beast Clan members only, due to it being the many places for Shanti belief.

Permission Only)


Shrine Maidens have access to a wider range of spells than normal people, and are able to have strength similar to that of knights, with resources to grow stronger through roleplay. Thanks to their positions they have quite a high reputation within the Beast Clan and are treated much like lesser nobles.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 10

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 7



Someone that makes or designs clothes, shoes, and other similar products for it to be sold at the mall, shops, or simply small stands. Depending on their skills of the cloth-making, some can even be honored with a contract that allows them to make clothing for a noble, gaining them more fame and wealth amongst the industry. 


Knowledge about fibers, the mending spell, and crafting clothing. Along with access to a channel if they are active enough to sell their goods.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



Someone that works at a garden, park, or other such places, in order to take care of flowers, herbs, and plants of all kinds. They can either be employed by the city to help maintain the wellbeing of flora within public places, or they can be self-employed in order to make an earning through the selling of herbs, flowers, or other such items. If they are self-employed and make an earning through selling herbs or other flora, they tend to make a varying amount of income depending on their sales per day.


Knowledge of flora, and where to acquire common/uncommon flora. It's possible for some to know how to make life and growth potions. Along with a channel if they are active enough. Some florists also have knowledge of how to make certain potions.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



Someone that works in a position that has to do with technology or mechanics. This can be an engineer, computer expert, vehicle repairs, or other such positions. This person can earn a varying amount of income depending on their skills and positions.


Knowledge of engineering, the mending spell, and connections to procure mechanical/electrical materials & contraptions.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0



A sailor’s job is to explore and patrol the vast oceans, offering various services for those trying to get around. Whether it be for the transportation of people, materials/supplies, or anything else, a sailor’s job remains ship and sea oriented.


Sailors are very knowledgeable of their craft and have lots of versatility in what they can do with it. They earn coins through favors and requests purchased by those that require their services. They can start with a small one-manned boat. They can also alternatively belong to a captain’s crew. 

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5
A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 1 




Captains are among the greatest of those who’ve sailed the dangerous seas of the world, having managed to voyage and protect whilst maintaining the safety of and control over their own crew. They make roughly 5 silver a week, and can earn more through merit and prestige.  Their leadership skills and hands-on deck make them rather dangerous combatants in waters both foreign and friendly. 
(Permission Only)


With this status, you’ve managed to secure your place as captain of a crew. You get to start with a moderately sized vessel and an NPC crew of appropriate size proportional to the ship itself. Generally, these captains are proficient in skills associated with sailing and navigation. Has extensive knowledge of port cities and the seas. 

Spell and Rune Limits:

Total Spells - 15
A Spells = 0 B Spells = 1 C Spells = 2



A person that isn’t a part of a kingdom. They could have acted unnaturally and were banished from a clan. They could be a person born outside the Clan and/or doesn't live in the city/belong to a clan. There are many reasons for someone to be a Rogue, and they tend to be a lot of rogues from minor villages, so they aren’t often judged.


(This is a status that doesn’t allow you to have another status or belong to a Clan; this can change through roleplay. Being a Rogue doesn’t mean you’re a criminal or don’t have a job, it simply means you belong to No Clan.)


If born outside a clan you can be undocumented; Clans can be ignorant of your existence until you do something notable.

Spell and Rune Limits: 

Total Spells - 5

A Spells = 0 B Spells = 0 C Spells = 0

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