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Demon Clan Races

A collection of races that belong to, or are recognized for being commonly found within the 'Demon Clan'. For further information related to Demons, be sure to check out here.


[Demon Clan] Alp

Appearance -

They look relatively similar to a human in appearance, with common traits a lot of demonic races have. They have small horns, usually in pairs at the front of their head, along with a whip-like tail that ends with a point. They commonly don’t have wings, but the few that do have rather small ones that can’t be used.


Information - 

Alps are a type of demonic race that has existed since the beginning of the races and feeds primarily on the fears and nightmares of living things in order to gain energy. 


They are one of the most populated and popular races within the Demon Clan, and telling them apart from other demons is very difficult due to how similar they look. Alps are seen in a mainly good light, due to their ability to provide good sleep by eating away nightmares.


While they can consume normal food, this doesn’t give them any form of energy in the slightest, with the only form of staying alive being fear-feeding. Along with their abilities to induce nightmares.


They are one of the more common types of demonic races, with numbers that are not little in size. As such encountering one isn't all that uncommon.

Abilities -


  • Dream Entering = They can enter the dream of living things as long as they are asleep, and freely roam it.

  • Nightmares = They are capable of altering a person’s dream to induce a nightmare. As well as eat nightmares to provide good dreams.


  • Fear Empowerment = The more fear they absorb the more physically powerful they can become, with the max being around 3 times a human.

  • Dream Catcher = Some Alps can save dreams or nightmares they interact with into an orb that forms in their hand. The dream can be replayed and last until destroyed, though being as fragile as glass.


  • Sleep Inducement = They can forcibly put living things nearby into a sleeping state for up to 7 turns. This can be resisted with caffeine or extremely high willpower, resulting in an extremely drowsy state instead with a cooldown of 14 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Salt = Burns the skin upon touch but can be consumed.​

  • Red Wine = Poison to them in every sense of the word.

  • Mental Damage = They can become unstable or even fearful if they absorb too much fear at once.

  • Tail = A very sensitive part of their body, if injured it can cause immense pain, if damaged badly it could cause permanent mental damage.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Camaka

Appearance -

They look like flames that have taken a humanoid form in appearance, usually using a form of armor as a binding to keep their form intact. They don’t have genders, nor do they have any physical body parts, they simply mimic the form best suited for them.


Information - 

Camakas are a race being that was born from mana being fused with a form of heat, be it magma, fire, or even simple sparks. Taking the nearest form of armor as a base to bring life.


Being born from flames, Camakas are known to be quite destructive in nature, even if they don't mean to be, due to the simple fact that most of them can't control their body's heat. Due to this, they have gained a certain level of infamy that makes people dislike them being around.


Camakas are all based around flames, with their strength and ability is based on the type of flame they were born from. Camakas are required to eat coal or other fuel substances to remain alive.


While rare, a Camaka isn't as uncommon as one might think, due to how dense mana can be in certain areas, they can be made a lot more commonly in recent times.

Abilities -


  • Armored Body = Being a flame that is made around armor, they can functionally move the armor as if it was a part of them. 

  • Flame Source = They are capable of healing from most wounds as long as they can retain more flames through a flame source or fuel of some kind.

  • Flaming Body = Being made out of flames, they can't be hurt by anything physical, unless it is their armored parts.

  • Fire Affinity = They have a 1.5x affinity for fire-based magic.


  • Flame Manipulation = Some are capable of manipulating the type of flame they were born from, be it magma, household fire, wildfires, coal fires, etc.

  • Combustion = Some Camakas can combust themselves into an explosion, resulting in 20 meters around them being coated in fire. Depending on how close someone is to it, it can do varying damage.


  • Blue Flames = Some rare and very powerful Camakas can control or be made up of blue flames that are extremely strong, able to even match a phoenix walker's flames.

Weaknesses -

  • Water = The main weakness of a Camaka is obviously water. With enough water, it is easy to kill a Camaka, even without enough they can be badly damaged.

  • Ice = For obvious reason ice, and snow, is very dangerous to a Camaka, with the possibility of killing one with enough.

  • Suffocation = If you somehow deprive a heat source of oxygen it will eventually die out.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They don’t and can’t reproduce. 


[Demon Clan] Demonic Kin

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form with rather pale or even darkened skin that makes them stand out from normal humans. Their eyes are usually completely black, with few having white eyes. Their bodies are usually marked with tattoos in varying shapes.


Information - 

Demonic Kins are a race of people that originated not as a race, but as a culture, but due to a genetic change became a race of its own over time. 


First appearing a few thousand years ago, Demonic Kins are a group of humans that practiced forbidden magic that was believed to be of demonic origins. This type of magic physically and mentally changed the Demonic Kins into what they are now, a new race altogether.


Demonic Kins are born with the inborn ability to harness a darker type of magic, born with a close affinity to Dark Arts, they have a natural closeness to demonic beings.


Due to their nature, Demonic Kins are looked down upon by Humans and have since then become one with the Demon Clan where they are welcomed openly.

Abilities -


  • Demonic Abilities = They have the abilities listed in the encyclopedia except by half.

  • Dark Flames = Some Demonic Kins tend to attain the ability to control a type of black flame that is corrosive to the touch. It can melt through human flesh within two turns.

  • Shadow Control = Some gain the ability to manipulate their own shadow at will up to 30 meters. 

  • Dark Art Affinity = They have an enhanced affinity for dark arts by 2.5x that of a normal human.


  • Sacrificial Dampening = Some Demonic Kins do not require as many sacrifices as the rest of their kind for the same things, being as little as half the normal required amount.

  • Regeneration = Some Demonic Kins are born with three times the regeneration of a human.


  • Blood Control = Some can gain the ability to control blood that isn’t within the body up to 50 meters, with enough force behind it to lacerate an ifrit cleanly.

  • Forbidden Knowledge = Some Demonic Kins can tap into their bloodline, drawing out the knowledge of forbidden arts that made them what they are from their veins.

Weaknesses -

  • Price = All Demonic Kins need to pay a price for their magic, be it blood every time they use it, a sacrifice, or even years of their life. Everything has a price.


Lifespan -

50 to 100 years


Extra -

The age is 50 to 100 due to the chance of a Demonic Kin sacrificing their lifespan.


[Demon Clan] Eirian

Appearance -

The females of the race have light blue skin tones while the males tend to have a darker tone of blue, with humanoid forms. They have pointed ears, just slightly longer than that of an elf, but it is somewhat larger. In some cases, they have goat-like lower halves and legs, and in rare cases even have small horns.


Information - 

Eirians are a race of demonic people commonly miscategorized as elves due to their long ears and beautiful features. This is believed to be false due to no known connection, but it hasn't officially been proven or disproven.


They are a rather rare race, and much like their elven connections, they are often secluded in nature due to how keen they are with it. Unlike elves, however, they don't have a dislike for interacting with other races, and actually, quite enjoy making friends. Due to this, they are seen as quite favorable.


Eirians specialize in magic that has to do with projecting outside of the body, rather than their physical strength. This is due to their enhanced affinity for nature magic along with animals.


Due to how rare they are, not only because of how difficult it is for them to give birth with the limitations placed upon them with only being able to breed with their own kind, elves, and ifrits, they are rather low in numbers. As such meeting one isn't very common.

Abilities -


  • Nature Affinity = They have a keen sense of nature and due to this can tell most animals and plants apart.

  • Nature Magic = Most eirens due to their connection to nature can move and grow plants around them, being 2.5x as good at nature magic as humans.


  • Animal Tongue = Some can communicate with animals.

  • Goat-Like Abilities = The ones born with the lower body of a goat are capable of using goat-like abilities, such as their leg strength, or charging force.


  • Historic touch = Some Eiran's can connect with nature upon contact, learning all that's happened in the location for the past 15 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Fire = They are rather sensitive to heat and flames, just being near flames can make them sweat more than a normal person.

  • Chocolate = Poisonous to them.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Fallen Angel

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form, with a close resemblance to that of a human, with their keen trait being their black feathery wings that usually decorate their backs, which they can sometimes retract to hide. Key points all Fallen Angels have are tattoos of chains or markings on their body, often symbolizing their restriction.


Information -  

Fallen Angels are a race of people that were once glorious and pure Angels, a race the Gods made and tasked with protecting people, yet had fallen from their grace to the Realm of Shinseina.


Not many know why Angels fall, not even the Fallen Angels themselves, as all memories a Fallen Angel has from when they were an Angel is erased once they fall, leaving them nothing but an empty husk. Many believe that they fall due to committing crimes against the Gods, others believe that Fallen Angels can willingly leave, but in exchange, they give up all they have. But no real answer can be found due to their lost memories, leaving people of the world with mixed feelings towards them. Devoted believers see them as sinners, while others see them as normal folks.


Fallen Angels, beings that once held the power of an Angel but were stripped of that power and had to adapt to the world and mana of Shinseina. Due to this, they aren't as strong as they were before, but, they are still a very strong race, just naturally. With physical capabilities comparable to some of the world's strongest races, and magical capabilities similar to even elves.


With their memories gone, their past erased, left as nothing but empty husks, they walk the world of Shinseina until they die, living a life of a mere mortal.

Abilities -


  • Flight = All Fallen Angels can fly thanks to their wings. Which enables them to not only lift their weight but up to 200 extra pounds.

  • Mana Affinity = While no longer Angels, the body of an Angel is made perfect, shaped by Kami themself to be perfect in every way. Thanks to this, they naturally adapt to mana in a way that grants them 2x the boost in all magic compared to normal humans.

  • Physical Perfection = A body chiseled by God himself, even while stripped of its former power, still holds great physical capabilities. With 5x strength, 3x speed, 5x durability, and 2x senses, comparable to a human.


  • Regeneration = Some have a 4 times stronger regenerative factor for most wounds.

  • Restricted Veil = Some fallen angels can sense when being watched, and know from which general direction.


  • Healing = Some can heal other people by taking their wounds themselves. Even fatal wounds can be healed like this.

  • Beyond the Realm = Some Fallen Angels that are powerful enough can tap into their powers deep within them, allowing them to temporarily enter a state that is beyond the Realm of Shinseina, sensing beyond the Realm.

Weaknesses -

  • Wings = They are very very sensitive to the touch and wounds inflicted on their wings are an unbearable and unexplainable pain no fallen angel has managed to correctly describe.

  • Unstable = Most can go insane due to wandering the world for years not knowing who they are.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Feraluta

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form, with long porcupine-like quills, or spikes, on their body usually around their joints in groups or heads. Commonly short in status and skinny in frame, looking quite scrawny, however, they have very strong bones.


Information - 

Feralutas are a race of people that normally live in hot places such as the desert and usually move around in small groups that they are close with, rarely interacting with people. 


They are quite a seclusive rare, they rarely enjoy interacting with people they aren't close with, and even more so stay in one place for a long period of time, acting almost nomadic. Due to this, encountering one is quite rare, leaving people with the opinion that they are either cowardly or simply unknown.


Feralutas are very sensitive to emotions, especially being sensitive to fear, making them easily scared and swayed by emotions. However, this also grants them the ability to easily sway people's emotions the way they want, making them great merchants.


While uncommon, Feratulas aren't actually low in numbers, with their birth rates being pretty similar to normal ifirits, they simply do not like interacting with normal people so they aren't seen a lot.

Abilities -


  • Defensive Quills = They have the instinctive ability to shoot out their quills like needles when they get scared. Each patch can have around 25-30 spikes, which take around 2 days to grow back. 

  • Agility = They are rather fast and flexible, being able to run up walls with easy or gymnastic-like movements. Having 2x the speed of a normal demon.

  • Emotional Sensing = They can tell what emotions a person is feeling as long as it's within 7 meters of them.

  • Demon’s Physic = They have half the physical capabilities of a demon, aside from speed.


  • Quill Solidarity = Some Feraluta's are able to have quills grow to be as hard as a steel sword.

  • Rage Aura = Some Feraluta's, when enraged, gain a crimson aura around them. This can send others who aren't able to properly control their emotions into a rage while nearby. This only goes up to 10 meters.


  • Danger Sense = Some of them can evolve the ability to sense when danger is near, pinpointing its location even. Within a range of 50 meters.

  • Emotion Inducing = Some of them can learn the ability to influence the emotions of a person with a mere touch, allowing them to sway their emotions.

Weaknesses -

  • Stamina = Though fast, they have very low stamina and run out of energy fast.

  • Spots = The spots underneath their quills are considered very sensitive to pain and pleasure.

  • Fish = Poisonous to them.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Gorgon

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form with often a slim and tall body, covered in scaly skin. They all have snakes instead of hair, a long forked tongue, and slit snake-like eyes. Some tend to have small wings on their backs, much like a bat’s wings.


Information - 

Gorgons are a race of demonic people that have existed for a long time, often called the winged serpents due to their traits of having snakes for hair, along with their bat-like wings.


While not a common race, they aren't as uncommon as others due to the fact that they can be born from a Gorgon, and most other races that can give birth. Even so, they aren’t very well-liked among some other races due to their eyes, which can make people feel fear if looked directly into.


All Gorgons have snakes for hair instead of normal hair, with the number often ranging from anywhere between 10 or more. The snakes tend to have a mind of their own, often fighting and twisting each other up. 


Gorgons, even with the slight dislike towards them by some races, aren't very hated, nor do they care, living much like any other demon in the Demon Clan.

Abilities -


  • Demonic Capabilities = Most have half the normal physical capabilities of a Demon listed on the encyclopedia.

  • Sleep = Gorgons have the capability of putting their hair to sleep and making look like normal hair.

  • Eyes of Fear = Their eyes have the ability to induce fear into anyone that sees them directly.

  • Snake Hair = They can control the snake which they have for hair at command.

  • Flight = Most can fly somewhat thanks to their wings.


  • Snake Tongue = They can speak to all snakes and understand them.

  • Hardening = Some can harden parts of their body like stone at will.


  • Snake Split = Some Gorgons can gain an ability by their teen years, allowing them to become 40 - 60 snakes that can move independently of each other. These snakes still carry their properties, but can only stay split for 3 turns before magically combining back together wherever most of them are. This has a cooldown of 8 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Water = The snakes are sensitive to water to the point where it’ll burn them upon contact.

  • Bright Lights = They have sensitive eyes and bright flashing lights can temporarily blind them.

  • Lavender = The scent makes them extremely uncomfortable.

Lifespan -



Extra -



[Demon Clan] Goblin

Appearance -

They are relatively small when it comes to height and stature, often having a height of anywhere below 5 feet, but look humanoid in form. They have green skin, be it dark or light, with some rare cases even having reddish skin tone. Their ears are usually pointed, but not long.


Information - 

Goblins are a race that up until a few thousand years ago were considered to be monsters and hunted by people as such. After a period of diplomatic matters, they were finally recognized as a race, first by the Demon Clan, and taken in. 


Originally Goblins weren't small in numbers, however, after years of being killed they have not only lowered in numbers but often tend to seclude themselves in small villages and avoid larger crowds. Due to the past, people still tend to look down on them as nothing but monsters, some even killing them as such.


While they aren’t the physically strongest among the Demonic Races, they are rather smart and handy when it comes to tools. Often being quite the tinkers with the special ability to tell what certain parts can do.


While low in numbers in recent times, they are still one of the most potent races when it comes to breeding with their own kind, with their numbers being in the top 10 within the Demon Clan, although they tend to live among their own kinds.

Abilities -


  • Smart = They are smart when it comes to tools, being able to build stuff with the right parts.

  • Agile = They are 3x as fast and flexible as a human with great stamina.

  • Use Sensing = They are able to tell some of the uses a tool or part has by simply touching it, but this only works on certain tools.


  • Mental Gauging = Some are born with the ability to instinctively know how intelligent someone is within their sight. Some can even roughly know which subjects they're knowledgeable in, but none of the actual knowledge on that subject.

  • Tool Summoning = Due to being so affiliated with tools over generations and generations of time, Goblins have gained the natural ability to summon or create any basic tool they need at the moment, such as a hammer or wrench. They can dismiss these tools at will too.


  • Tool Connection = In very rare cases, some goblins are born with the ability to magically bind a tool or equipment to them. They can bind up to 5 of these at a time, preventing anybody else from using them and being able to summon/dismiss these objects on command.

Weaknesses -

  • Cold = They are rather sensitive to the cold, and get sick easily.

  • Weak Body = They don’t have the strongest body, and can be injured pretty easily.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They tend to have a meat-based diet.


[Demon Clan] Ifrit

Appearance -

They look very humanoid in form with common demonic traits, such as demon tails, wings, horns, and even eye colors, they can also tend to have black or red colored eyes, their pupils being of any kind of color.


Information - 

Ifrits are one of the first races that were made by Kami, said to have been infused by essence by Yomoko himself, turning them into the race that they are now.


They are not only one of the most populated races in the world, breeding similarly to humans, but are also the founders of the Demon Clan. Thus they make up the largest population in the Clan and are treated quite normally by everyone.

Abilities -


  • Demonic Abilities - They have all the abilities of a demon listed in the encyclopedia.


  • Demonic Pact = Some Ifrits can make deals with people weaker than them, granting them a portion of their physical strength in exchange for something. However, this drains them to do, weakening them for a period of time.

  • Ancestral Empowerment = Some Ifrits can call upon the bloodline of the original demons that are said to flow within them, temporarily being able to boost their physical stats to 6x that of a human for 8 turns with a cooldown of 23 turns.


  • Essence of Yomoko = Very Rarely a Demon is said to be able to tap into the pure power of Yomoko that is within them, boosting themselves to 18x that of a human for a period of 3 turns, but in exchange, they lose a portion of their life. Facing immense backlash physically and mentally, with a cooldown of over 50 turns. Leaving them temporarily comatose.

Weaknesses -

  • Demonic Weaknesses.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Jackal

Appearance -

They are humanoid in figure with the head of a pumpkin that possesses glowing eye holes but no eyeballs. They don’t have a mouth, just a carving of one, and other facial features are carved on. They are usually rather tall, compared to the average height.


Information - 

Jackals are a race of demonic people that started appearing a few thousand years ago. They are believed by common people to be reborn from a headless body that died near pumpkin patches, though this is a mere myth. 


They do possess no memories of what they were doing, or who they were, before waking up with a pumpkin on their head and a new life, leaving people to wonder what exactly they are. Despite the dislike some people have for them, they are not violent in nature, and are in fact quite charismatic in spirit.


All Jackals have a natural affinity for fire and mist-based magic, with some even being able to create and control mist at will. Others have the ability to control pumpkin monsters they can make.


While many people see them in a bad light, and their low numbers make them rare, meeting a Jackal isn't all that difficult in recent times with the increase in pumpkin farms.

Abilities -


  • Headless = They are capable of detaching their pumpkin head at will and reattaching it.

  • Mist Creation = They can create a type of mist from their mouth carving at will, and control it.

  • Mist Affinity = They have a 1.5x affinity for all mist-based magic.


  • Hollow Chuckle = Some Jackals possess the ability to cause their voice to echo, inducing unease or even panic depending on the will of the target.

  • Rotting Touch = A Jackal is rarely able to have an ability that lets their touch decay plant life nearby. This can also cause necrosis to people or animals they make skin contact with.


  • Indestructible Body = In some very rare cases, some have been found to have bodies that keep healing as long as the head is intact.

  • Pumpkin Minions = In some very rare cases, some can use pumpkins to create beast-like minions for a max of 10 turns. With the max amount at a time being 7, each having the strength of an Ifrit. With a cooldown of 17 turns after summoning 7 in total.

Weaknesses -

  • Head = Destroying the pumpkin's head is the main way to kill them.

  • Bug = Bugs that tend to eat things such as pumpkins, fruits, salad, etc tend to try and eat a jackal, being their equivalent to very deadly mosquitoes.

  • Fire = They hate it, natural fear.


Lifespan -



Extra -

They aren’t born, they are created, how exactly is unknown even to them.


[Demon Clan] Mieru

Appearance -

Their true form is humanoid in nature, closely resembling that of a human being, however, they have very distinctive glowing yellow eyes and a black line over their nose.


Information - 

Mierus are a race of people that can change their shape at will. Commonly called other names such as shapeshifters, doublegangers, or many more by the common people. 


Due to how easily they can change forms at will, telling a Mieru apart from someone else is quite hard, if not impossible, unless you can tell their yellow eyes apart. Due to this, many people respect and fear Mierus as some of the best races for infiltrations, and even assassination. 


A Meiru can take the form of any living thing they have seen before, but one definitive thing remains even if they change, their glowing yellow eyes. Their eyes never change.


While they aren't low in numbers, they also aren't high, due to their low birth rates. Meeting one isn't even a sure thing since one can't tell if they actually have met one most of the time.

Abilities -


  • Shapeshifting = A Mieru can take the form of any person or thing they have seen before, but does not retain any of the thing's abilities.

  • Voice Mimicry = They can copy the voice and sound of the thing they change into.


  • Partial Shifting = A Mieru is sometimes able to only partially transform into something or person they've seen before, such as copying their face only or extra limbs.

  • Eyes of Fading = Their yellow eyes are capable of increasing the empathy one has towards them when making eye contact. This fades after 5 turns if not used again.


  • Copycat = A Mieru is very very rarely able to copy the racials of the thing they transform into for up to 4 turns. This only works on people, not fauna. Has a cooldown of 6 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Time = They are unable to maintain a form longer than 2 days without changing back.

  • Milk = Milk can force them to revert back if consumed or drenched in.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Orc

Appearance -

Often muscular and large in body structure, they are often referred to as ‘ugly’ or ‘horrific’ due to the way they look. They have rounded eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth that have both upper and lower fangs. They have dark skin as if burnt, which is commonly green in color, but some can be blue or even red in color.


Information - 

Orcs are a race of tough and battle-driven demonic people that have roamed the lands of Shinseina for a long time, believed to be among the founding races of the Demon Clan.


Orcs have also been a barbaric race in nature and culture, which until around a few thousand years ago were fighting with all other races. Due to this, even after becoming a part of the Demon Clan, they still tend to have their own villages and tribes, often lead by the strong. People's opinions on Orcs tend to vary, but many see them as muscle heads.


They are famed for their strength, being one of the strongest races in the Demon Clan, if not one of the strongest races in the world. With their battle capabilities being superior to most.


Orcs are quite rare to encounter, not only because of their tribal attitude but also because it is quite difficult for an Orc to give birth.

Abilities -


  • Strength = Orcs have insane strength, being able to commonly lift 9 - 11 times that of a human.

  • Durability = Orcs have battle-hardened skin, being comparable to iron, and can even be trained to be as tough as steel. This makes them extremely hardy.

  • Will of the Orc = Orcs have insane stamina and willpower, thanks to which they can fight for an entire day without resting. Even being able to be impaled and continue fighting at full strength through sheer willpower.


  • Physical Affinity = Some orcs can use magic relating directly to their body effectively.

  • Orc Rage = With spite in their breath, some Orcs can become enraged so their physical stats temporarily double, including the toughness of their skin. This lasts for 4 turns, with a 10 turn cooldown, and will leave them exhausted afterward, practically unconscious.


  • Battle Cry = Some Orcs that have experienced enough fighting can release a roar that can temporarily stun anything that hears it for 2 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Magic = They are rather weak to magic and can’t use magic very well at all.

Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Rokurokubi

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form with their bodies looking rather human in nature, aside from one main difference, that makes them stand out. They are completely made out of a rubbery material that allows them to freely stretch and bend their bodies however they please.


Information - 

Rokurokubis are a race of people that many assume to be mere myths, a tale told to children to scare them into behaving. Not only because of how odd the race is but because of how rare encountering one is.


Rokurokubis aren't very common, in fact, they are so rare that many people even doubt their existence, most don't even know they exist at all, thinking them mere tales. Their rareness is due to simply how difficult it is for one to be made, yes, made. They are a race that isn't born but formed naturally when the mana of an area grows so large that it fuses into the body of a newborn, forever changing that child's body into what a Rokurokubi is, rubbery and stretchy. 


Many that have given birth to children that became Rokurokubis often disown the child, some outright killing the child, thinking it as a curse upon their bloodline and family due to the terrible store behind them, many believing them to be a mistake by Kami, something that shouldn't exist.


Yet the capabilities of a Rokurokubi can't be denied, while odd, while rare, the race has some quite useful capabilities. Being made of a rubbery material, they are completely immune to all forms of blunt damage unless it can cut them, only then will they be harmed. They also have no organs inside of them, being completely hollow and surviving purely on magic, due to this they don't need to do anything a normal human needs to do.


Rokurokubis are so rare that meeting one is close to impossible and a normal person wouldn't even encounter, or hear about one, for their entire lives. Rarely would someone get to meet one, and even then telling them apart unless they actively show their abilities is near impossible.

Abilities -


  • Rubbery Body = Their bodies are made out of a rubbery and stretchy material, being able to bend and stretch in any way. With a max length of 15 feet with any limb.

  • Organless = They do not have any organs within their body, allowing them to not need to do anything a normal human would need to do to function, and not die from being injured this way.


  • Size Manipulation = Some of them can change their size of themselves up to 2 times their max size, or down to 1/10 of their original size, at will.

  • Hardening = Some of them can harden their body to that of stone at will.


  • Buggie = In very rare cases some of them can reattach their cut-off or injured body parts and fully heal without dying, with the only way to kill them being to destroy their heads.

Weaknesses -

  • Salt = They are unable to cross it.


Lifespan -



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[Demon Clan] Shadow Walker

Appearance -

They look human in form, but tend to have pitch-black skin that looks like shadows, their eyes tend to usually be yellow and black, but in some rare cases shadow walkers have blue or green eyes.


Information - 

Shadow Walkers are a race of demonic people that people believe originated from humans, but this is not proven or true. Born with the very essence of shadows flowing within them, granting them abilities over it.


Shadow Walkers are rather low in numbers, a fact that is due to the hard time they have reproducing and surviving through childhood due to the unstable amount of essence in their young bodies. Due to this, they aren't often interacted with by the masses, yet they are praised for being one of the best races in the world for infiltrations. 


They are people born with a natural affinity over darkness and shadows, being able to naturally control the shadows around them, with some even being able to travel through them.


While not rare, they are still rather uncommon, and while they have been more in recent times due to the increased means of stabilizing the essence within them, meeting a Shadow Walker is still quite hard.

Abilities -


  • Shadow Travel = Shadow Walkers can travel between shadows to another shadow as long as it is within 50 meters of each other. This has a 3-turn cooldown between traveling.

  • Shadow Body = They can make their body completely that of a shadow, and once in this state they can’t be touched or touch anything.


  • Hidden Shadow = Some Shadow Walkers can hide within shadows completely. They can still be damaged by magic while in a shadow and cannot switch shadows while in it, though if the shadow moves on its own such as a person walking, they can stay in it.

  • Shadow Creation = Some Shadow Walkers can create their own magical blotches of shadows once every 3 turns somewhere in sight. These shadows last for 2 turns before fading away.


  • Shadow Control = In rare cases, some can manipulate their own shadow at will, going up to 50 meters. These shadows are empowered, allowing them to use them to block out light or even the sun.

Weaknesses -

  • Light = Shadow Walkers are unable to stay more than 4 hours in direct sunlight or they will die.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They can only reproduce with their own race.


[Demon Clan] Succubus/Incubus

Appearance -

They look humanoid in form with a very beautiful and alluring figure. They commonly have small horns, wings on their lower backs, or even a whip-like tail that curves at the end. Most importantly they are unnaturally good-looking, said to be one of the best-looking races in the world, with looks that can charm most.


Information - 

Succubus/Incubuses are a demonic race of people that are strongly related to sexual activities, the male is called an Incubus, and the female is called a Succubus. 


Even with their difficulty giving birth, they are one of the most populated and popular races within the Demon Clan, easily appearing in any conversations about demons. Due to how they are in nature, and how long they have been around, they are a widely accepted race, with some even accepting them a lot more than others.


They are required to absorb sexual energy at least a few times a month to survive, and doing it more often gives them more energy to stay healthy. Naturally, this only begins when they turn 28 years old, this is due to a strange hormonal and magic-related phenomenon for them.


While many think of them as nothing but Sex Demons, this isn't actually the case, with them having many means to absorb sexual energy aside from just sex, such as kissing, hugging, and more. Anything that involves another person and pleases them is all they need.

Abilities -


  • Seduction = They can easily seduce people with their charming looks and aura as long as the person is interested in them even the slightest.

  • Stamina = They have insane stamina, being able to function for hours without rest.

  • Vitality = They gain vitality through sexual actions which keeps them youthful and functioning.

  • Demonic Capabilities = They have half the demonic capabilities of a normal demon listed on the encyclopedia.


  • Energized = The more vitality they absorb the stronger they become both magically and physically. Up to 2 times each.

  • Sexual Empowerment = Some of them can use their built-up energy to temporarily empower themselves or someone else for a period of 4 turns, boosting all physical capabilities by 2x. With a cooldown of 30 turns, and a drain after.


  • Desire Manifestation = Some can turn into what the person most desires, a loved one, or something they deeply care for/are attracted to.

Weaknesses -

  • Lack of Sexual = The lack of sexual activities that cause them to lose energy faster.

  • Dandelion = Burns them to the touch.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They don’t easily get pregnant.


[Demon Clan] Teirusu

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form and easily recognized for their commonly red hair and brown eyes. They have tough, almost rough-feeling skin, all over their body, with three tails located at their lower torso that are stinger-tipped. They usually have tall and wide frames, that make their bodies seem quite large.


Information - 

Teirusus are a demonic race of people that are native to the desert lands of Shinseina, having evolved to better suit the harsh environment. 


As a race that was originally an habitant of the desert, they naturally joined the Demon Clan due to the location of it being in the Desert of Shinseina. And while the race tends to enjoy being alone, they aren't all that uncommon to see roaming around the Clan and are widely accepted by members of the Clan.


They have stingers at the end of their three tails, which excrete a paralytic substance for protection, this substance takes a few minutes to wear off but kicks in instantly. They are exceptionally good at memorizing things, allowing them to be highly trained in magic, but they have a habit of not using it.


While uncommon, they aren't all that hard to encounter, especially in the open desert Kingdoms and Villages that are famed for their tourism.

Abilities -


  • Tails = The tip of their three tails release a substance that can paralyze a person for up to 2 turns when injected. Hardier races have resistance to this.

  • Memory = They have a very good memory, being able to remember anything they see once.

  • Hardened Skin = They have hardened skin which protects them from the harsh desert climate and damage. This is comparable to granite.


  • Venom Seeping = Instead of just the tip of their tails, they can release the paralyzing venom from any part of their limbs.

  • Desert Warriors = Some Teirusu can have 2 - 4x the physical stats of humans.


  • Gas Cloud = In very rare cases, a Teirusu is born with the ability to explode gas from their tails in mass, able to almost immediately cover a 30 meter cone in the direction the tip of each tail is pointing. This causes the venom to be inhaled if the target breaths or stays in it for too long. This gas is heavy, and can even put physical pressure and resistance on ifrit's moving inside it, being hard to disperse.

Weaknesses -

  • Coldness = They are sensitive to cold areas, including things such as snow and ice.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They tend to dislike their own species.


[Demon Clan] Wendigo

Appearance -

They often look beastly in form, with the skull of a deer-like creature covering their face, dressed in the fur of dead animals, and even a bone-formed tail. They have sharp teeth, slit red eyes, and rounded ears. Thanks to their slim yet tall frame they are often rather scary to encounter, especially in the dark, easily reaching over 8 feet tall.


Information - 

Wendigos are a race of people that were once human, yet due to the eating of human flesh, along with the practice of dark magic, has forever been changed. 


They are a race, while rare, and are quite disliked among people, even those of the Demon Clan look down upon them because of their nature. Most people believe that the reason they act the way they are, forever craving flesh, is a curse upon them for eating their own kind.


Wendigos are one of the best hunters in the world, priding themselves on their abilities to easily track down and trick prey into falling for their traps, where they eat them.


Wendigos are rarely created now, and are rare to encounter, due to the fact that they can't be born, nor reproduce, and are simply made through their own actions.

Abilities -


  • Instincts = Wendigos have great hunting instincts, being able to track or find prey from mere footsteps.

  • Agility = They are very fast with great stamina and flexibility, allowing them to hunt down prey. Being over 4x faster than a normal human.

  • Digestion = They can digest most things with ease, even things poisonous to the common human.


  • Wild Rage = Some can temporarily enhance their physical stats by 2x for 5 turns, turning into the mindset of a rabid animal during this time.  This has a cooldown of 7 turns, but can be extended by 2 turns if they consume flesh. The longer it goes on, the more enraged they will be.

  • Bone Mold = Some Wendigos are very good with making bones into tools or weapons, able to magically shift bones they find into intricate shapes.


  • Mind Games = Some very few cases are said to be able to play tricks on the mind of a person, making them see or hear things.

Weaknesses -

  • Humanity = They retain very little human knowledge after going insane, with few expectations, making them easily outsmarted.

Lifespan -



Extra -



[Demon Clan] Corrupted

Appearance -

They look like regular humans upon first glance, however, they do not possess any shadow or cast any shadow sources. They have crystal-like pupils that are usually dark in color, with a somewhat long tongue. Most of them tend to have dark markings on certain parts of their body, indicating the corruption that flows within them.


Information - 

Corrupts are a race of people that evolved from humans, around a few thousand years ago. They first evolved due to a large amount of negative mana that had been absorbed into their body naturally, forever changing their genetic makeup. 


Born from negative mana, most corrupts have had a hard life from birth, with many even having their personalities affected by the negative mana that had been absorbed into their bodies. This led people to see them in a negative view, often avoiding them afraid of their unstable nature.


What makes them different from normal people, is that this evolution granted them the ability to summon and control a type of shadow-like being at command, always linked to them through a thin line, almost unseeable by a normal person, connected to the torso or lower back. This shadow being can have a mind of its own at times, but will almost also work to protect its user, being able to attack and defend.


While rare, they aren't all that uncommon to encounter, even with the fact that they aren't able to reproduce. This is due to the simple fact that negative things happen all the time, all over the world.

Abilities -


  • Shadow Being = They have the ability to summon a shadow-like being at will and use it for whatever needs be. This being is 3 times stronger than the average human and heals at a speed of 2 times.


  • Shadow Travel = In a few cases, some can travel through the shadows, within a distance of 25 meters.

  • Negative Mana Absorption = Some can absorb negative mana into their body in order to fuel themselves and grow stronger, up to 4x their physical strength.


  • Corrupted Protectors = Some can have up to 5 Shadow Beings instead of just 1, each being twice as strong as the average Shadow Being.


Weaknesses -

  • Link = The link that connects the shadow being to the user isn’t very strong, and if broken will render the shadow being unusable for a period of a few days.

  • Light = Bright lights can temporarily stun the shadow being if it is flashed at them.

Lifespan -



Extra -

They can only reproduce with humans and their own race.


[Demon Clan] Dark Elf

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form but always slim and beautiful. With long, pointed ears, and crystal-like eyes without pupils, they look quite wonderful. They have dark purple, or light purple, skin and always have silver hair, this is what makes them stand out. Some have horns or even a tail, but only in rare cases.


Information - 

Dark Elves, or otherwise known as Drows, are a race of beings that branched off from the widely known elven race, by cross-breeding with a demonic race, or so it is believed. Appearing a few thousands of years ago.


They have been given the name of “Dark Elves” due to their unique traits, becoming a race of their own. They are quite common, being one of the top 10 populated races within the Demon Clan, and while they are widely accepted by most, that can't be said to be the same for the elven race, which is said to hate them deeply.


They are rather well at magic, especially demonic-based magic, and summoning magic. They are said to be some of the best races in the world when it comes to summoning magic, having a natural affinity for it.


Being a pretty common race, encountering one within the Demon Clan, or even outside of it, is quite common, and they have a pretty famous reputation.

Abilities -


  • Eyes of True Sight = This allows them to see things that can’t be seen through normal means, such as mana and illusions.

  • Summoning Magic Mastery = They are rather good at summoning-based magic, with it being 2.5x stronger when compared to a human's summoning magic.

  • Archery = Very good at archery with natural talent.

  • Agility = They are fast, flexible, and have lots of stamina.


  • Speed = Some are able to be 4x faster in speed and acceleration than a human.

  • Summon Beast = Some are able to summon a spirit animal, or even multiple, by using their mana and soul, temporarily being able to use it for fighting or their needs for 5 turns. With a cooldown of 10 turns. Each one is as strong as the user.


  • Mana Marks = Few have markings on their body that can naturally absorb mana around them, allowing them to regen mana 5x faster.


Weaknesses -

  • Fire = They dislike the heat and anything hot. They are very sensitive to fire, and they burn easily.

  • Salt = They can’t cross salt.

  • Red Wine = It is poisonous to them.

Lifespan -



Extra -



[Demon Clan] Oni

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form with rather large frames and muscular builds, with natural-born muscles. They are red in skin tone, always red, be it a light or dark shade of it. Their ears are somewhat pointed, but they are also widened, not extremely but they are. Most importantly they usually have a single horn on their forehead, some have two, but never more.


Information - 

Onis are a demonic race that is known for their strength and battle prowess. Famed for being one of the strongest Demonic Races in the world, with their battle capabilities being at the top of the world.


They love to fight, in fact, they live for a good fight, and would love nothing more than to have a worthy opponent. Often looking down on people weaker than them as disappointing, and choosing to live in societies of their own kind, in tribes or small villages lead by the strong. While many people see them as nothing but meatheads, they can't help but respect them.


They have tough and rough skin, which evolved for them to live in harsher environments such as the desert, or even battlefields. With bodies naturally covered in muscles that grant them immense strength and durability.


While not rare in numbers, they are uncommon to encounter as they often live in small tribes and avoid public places, unless it's a place for battle or weapons. With their kind being famed for fighting in the Arena.

Abilities -


  • Physical Enhancements = They are 2x more physically adept than an ifrit.

  • Endless Stamina = They do not get tired, never feeling the need to rest.

  • Tough Skin = They have very hard skin that is almost impervious to blunt damage, being at most as tough as iron.


  • Battle Energy = The more they fight, the more energy they get, getting stronger the fight goes on, increasing their base strength will get stronger by +1 every 2 turns. This caps at +5 and lasts until the fight is over.

  • High Kick = Some can have incredibly powerful legs, with legs able to kick with 50% more force than they normally should be able to.


  • Oni Awakening = In very rare cases, when an Oni's horn is broken, they enter an incredibly physically adept state, obtaining a pink aura around them that boosts their physical stats by 4x for 5 turns. Afterward, they fall unconscious and can't be awoken for another 4 turns. 


Weaknesses -

  • Horn = Their horn is very sensitive and if broken hurts a lot worse than dying. It grows back in months.

  • Lower Back = The only part of the skin in their body that isn’t as tough as the rest.


Lifespan -



Extra -



[Demon Clan] Banshee

Appearance -

They are humanoid in form with a close resemblance to vampires, thanks to their pale skin and deep red eyes. They are unique for the black lines on their body, usually under or around the eyes, on their chest, or even on their limbs. They are usually very skinny, extremely so, that many say they can see their bones through their skin.


Information - 

Banshees are a race of people that are commonly associated with death and the dead. They are said to be able to predict the impending death of people close to them, and some can even see the spirits of the dead, some believe. 


Banshees aren't very common, not only because of their low birth rates but also because they are often illegally killed due to their abilities, some being captured and used as slaves. Most people dislike banshees due to the bad tales behind them and their abilities, many seeing them as bad omens.


With their abilities to see and sense the incoming deaths of things around them, they are quite capable, yet avoiding that death isn't as easy as many would think.


Most Banshees are female, in fact, almost all the Banshee population is female, with males being very uncommon. Encountering a Banshee in general is very rare.

Abilities -


  • Death Premonition = They can feel the impending feeling of death near them but are unable to tell who is giving off this impending death.

  • Floating = They can float off the ground for a period of time.


  • Otherworldly Phasing = Some Banshee's are capable of phasing through non-magical objects for 2 turns, before going on a 5 turn cooldown.

  • Reading =  Some can read the emotions of others just by looking at them, or rough intentions such as hostility or attraction.


  • Predictions = Very few, so little it isn’t even known how many, can see a glimpse of the future of someone dying at random. These aren't always accurate, and can often just be one possibility of death.

Weaknesses -

  • Eyes = Getting rid of their eyes in any way will get rid of their abilities.

  • Salt = Salt makes them unable to feel or pass it.

  • Garlic = Anything with garlic nullifies the abilities of premonition related to them directly.


Lifespan -



Extra -



[Demon Clan] Animusois

Appearance -

While they often come in a humanoid form their bodies are often smokey in form with a shape that can be slightly altered and change to take whatever height and slight changes to their body. One common thing they all have in common they can't change is their hollow eyes and sharp teeth that jagger out their mouth whenever they smile. Their bodies are often dark and smokey in form, like a shadow or spectral entity, however, they are physical.

Information -

Animusoises are a race of demons that are believed to be one of the purer bloodlines of demons due to how long of a history they have, having been around since times of old, and only recently have they become more uncommon as they slowly go extinct.

As a race that has been around for a very long time, they have a certain level of prestige amount the demon clan, at least they did in the past, however, in common time they have become less common and have been slowly forgotten by the common people of the clan. With extremely low birth rates and low survivability.

They are praised for their abilities over the mind, being a race that has naturally superior illusions and mental capabilities than most other races in the world, and all other demon races. With their very being overflowing with illusions.

Due to recent times, they have become very uncommon to the point of being rare and forgotten by the common people, with birth rates so low combined with the fact they can only reproduce with their own kind.

Abilities -


  • Mental Affinity - They have a 2x affinity with mental, illusions, and mind-related magic.

  • Illusions Projection - They are able to stimulate illusions around them that can mimic sound like it is actually there. Within a range of 20 meters.

  • Mental Intrusion - They have the ability to project their mind into the minds of people they have locked eyes with, being able to go through their minds as if watching a movie. If eye contact is broken, or the person uses enough force to block them or force them out they can be mentally injured.

  • Smokey Form - They have a body that even though it is physical, it is covered in a layer of black smokey mist that makes them look like they are constantly shifting and moving, like a shadow.

  • Uncommon:

  • Nightmares - They are able to tap into the mind of people and inflict a mental nightmare, making them see and experience their deepest fear as if it is actually happening. However it can be broken with a strong mental power, and only works on up to 5 people they can see.

  • Mental Crawling - They are able to temporarily project out a spiritual form that is able to enter the mind of people that are unconscious and move around it, however, if the person wakes up or forces them out they will face backlash. With a cooldown of 40 turns.


  • Mental Plane - They are able to pull people within their own mental plane for 5 turns, and within this plane, they are completely in control of everything, even the layout, and any damage done in this plane is mental, not physical. With a cooldown of 50 turns.

Weaknesses -

  • Snow - They are very sensitive to the cold and ice burns them.

  • Physically Weak - They are physically as strong as a normal human, being very weak.

Lifespan -


Extra -



[Demon Clan] Asura

For more information you can find them in the DOC HERE.

Demonic Kin
Falen Angel
Shadow Walker
Sex demon
Dark Elf
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